Nicolas Holubowitch, PhD
Assistant Professor
- nicolas.holubowitch@022aode.com
- 575 - 835 - 5192
- López Hall 214
Postdoc, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky, 2015
Ph.D. Chemistry, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland, 2013
M.S. Chemistry, University of Denver, 2008
B.S. Chemistry, College of William and Mary, 2006
Research Interests
Energy storage (batteries, fuel cells), sensing, water treatment, energy harvesting, electropolymerization, (spectroelectro)chemistry of energetic materials, quantum electrochemistry
Research Divisions
Solar Energy and Sustainability
Physical and Fundamental Research
Recent Publications
Holubowitch, N.; Jabbar, A., “Spectroelectrochemistry of Next-Generation Redox Flow
Battery Electrolytes: A Survey of Active Species from Four Representative Classes.”
Microchemical Journal. 2022, 182, 107920. *Invited submission for special issue on spectroelectrochemistry
Holubowitch, N.; Nguyen, G., “Dimerization of [FeIII(bpy)3]3+ in Aqueous Solutions:
Elucidating a Mechanism Based on Historical Proposals, Electrochemical Data, and Computational
Free Energy Analysis.” Inorganic Chemistry. 2022, 61, 25, 9541–9556.
Bui, H.; Holubowitch, N., “Isopropyl Alcohol and Copper Hexacyanoferrate Boost Performance
of the Iron Tris-Bipyridine Catholyte for Near-Neutral pH Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries.”
International Journal of Energy Research. 2022, 46(5): 5864-5875.
Holubowitch, N. E.; Crabtree, C.; Budimir, Z. “Electroanalysis and Spectroelectrochemistry
of Nonaromatic Explosives in Acetonitrile Containing Dissolved Oxygen,” Analytical
Chemistry, 2020, 92, 17, 11617–11626.
Omosebi, A.; Li, Z.; Holubowitch, N.; Gao, X.; Landon, J.; Cramer, A.; Liu, K., “Energy
recovery in capacitive deionization systems with inverted operation characteristics.”
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2020, 6(2), 321-330.
Holubowitch, N. E.; Omosebi, A.; Gao, X.; Landon, J. R.; Liu, K. “Membrane-free electrochemical deoxygenation of aqueous solutions using symmetric activated carbon electrodes in flow-through cells,” Electrochimica A, 2019, 297, 163-172.